Galloping horse jewelled brooch in yellow and gold by Annie Sherburne

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This stunning jewel encrusted galloping horse brooch measures 5cm and is lovely and lively. The jewelled stones are in shades of yellow and gold with a lovely pearlised central stone. The backing is brass and the clasp has a locking mechanism. 

Annie Sherburne is well-known for her stunning jewellery made from wonderful placement of coloured jewels onto brass backings. Her style is exhuberant and has tones of vintage and antique, creating something both wearable and memorable. 

Annie's business and the stones she uses come from a wonderful story; after WWII an entrepreneurial man bid on a train load of stones, findings and beads from Czechoslovakia. A huge supply of beautiful vintage pieces arrived in ammunition cases, and this stock is still where Annie's jewellery comes from. 

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